Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pictures from the travelling

Lunch at the hotel in New York on Thursday. You can tell it is Thursday because we are all wearing our dorky blue t-shirts. We had to wear them from 8am Thursday morning in New York until 6pm Friday afternoon in Paris so that AFS could easily find us at the airports and stuff. They were so gross by the end.

Killing time at the airport and basically taking over the entire waiting area.
Me on the Swiss Air plane from JFK to Zurich, Switzerland. It was a nice plane, but it was still a long 8 hour flight.
Wow! 90 miles per hour! Nope, we're in Europe now, so it's kilometers per hour. It scared me a bit when I saw 110 but I figured it out pretty quickly.
Me and some American AFS friends in front of the Eiffel tower. The Eiffel tower was the only place where we were allowed to get out and walk around during our 3 hour bus tour of Paris.
Need I state the obvious?

Delicious salmon pizza that was served the first night at the hostel in Paris. I got the cheese pizza, but my friend Kevin accidentally got the salmon pizza.
Waffles that we were allowed to have for dessert when at the hostel in Paris. Definitely not as good as my mom's, or my host mom's.
Playing cards and killing time at the train station in Paris with friends from Italy and Argentina.

My host family, from left to right: Edith, me, Thierry, Matthis(in front), Lucas, and Alexis.
All the AFS students hosted in my chapter(8) and their host families, and the AFS volunteers. Taken right after we got off the train.


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